Seto Marker

Takamatsu is a port city and with this come all the nice little advantages of living close to the sea. Who doesn’t like to relax at the sea with their friends and loved ones? Stroll around, enjoy the cool breeze in the hot Japanese summer, be happy. 

Walk along the breakwater

It takes maybe 5 to 10 minutes from everywhere in central Takamatsu to Sunport, where the famous Seto Marker shines its red light on the Seto Inland Sea.

lighthouse_roadlighthouse_benchThe Seto Marker is the lighthouse at the end of the 540 meter long pier that leads away from Sunport into the sea. There are plenty sitting opportunities and people tend to spend their summer nights with friends and family there.

lighthouse4This Seto Marker will be one of the first things you notice as you depart or arrive at the Takamatsu port. The whole lighthouse is made out of glass bricks and was the first of its kind in the whole world. The Pier is an awesome recreational place for fishing, jogging or just a nice stroll at all times, but at night when the lighthouse is lit up it is an even more magnificent place to be.

Enjoy the view of the Seto Inland Sea and the sound of the waves crashing on the pier at this peaceful spot.


Takamatsuko Tamamo Breakwater Light/ Seto Marker

  • PLACE:  香川県高松市サンポート
  • ACCESS: 10 minutes from Takamatsu station by walk